Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chimeney Cheese Rum

Today I fit in the most hours I've worked for the Census in one go to-date. I made a lot of progress and even a few exciting discoveries, getting the chance to apply some of the more obscure points of my training for the first time! I really enjoy this job.

My evening was chock-full of fun and friends. First for a D-licious sushi dinner...there must be left-overs somewhere around here, there was SO much food!

The next stop was to KC's Power and Light district to hear my friend Matt play a set at the Pizza Bar. Ran into a few people I knew while there, reinforcing the feel of KC being an extended 'small town'. The music was great, the company was fabulous and my tummy and ears were full to brimming with delights!

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Long and Winding Road

A GPS is back on Christmas list after my return trip from Arkansas.

My day started out wonderfully, a quiet morning with my grandma, and a lively afternoon visit with my Ulmer family. I'm so glad to have had the chance to see them, even if briefly!

The remainder of my day was spent on the twisty roads out of Arkansas and up through Missouri. I about lost it in Arkansas when, for the life of me, I could not tell if I was on-track or how much further and in which direction I needed to travel to get the heck out of there! Fortunately, I stopped long enough for a cup of patience (in this case a black forest mix from Braum's, Mmm!) and a phone call to a supportive friend. After that I was back on track!

That is, until night fell and I made a second, failed attempt to get food. I had called to check-in with my grandma when I noticed an all-too-familiar sign. I had gotten back on the highway going the the wrong direction! Doh! Thus adding an additional hour-and-a-half to my already epic journey. Again, I was saved by my cell phone and a compassionate friend. Hooray for technology that-almost-always works!

I've decided that in addition to the GPS, I will be adding a pair of sparkly red shoes to my Christmas list. I enjoy traveling, but there are times when there really is no place like home.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


After bidding my Grandpa farewell on his road trip, I spent a lovely day with my grandma. (Pictured here in front of their newly remodeled 'fireplace'. Aren't they darling!?)

I got in some sun and some exercise cleaning around the house. We went to lunch together, watched Alice in Wonderland, ate dinner at Olive Garden. Once we got home we went on a stroll around the block. I spotted something on the ground out of the corner of my eye and was rather startled. Not knowing what my grandmother's reaction would be, I advised her to take a few more steps forward, then asked her to turn around and confirm that what I was seeing was, in fact, a tarantula! I had never seen one 'in the wild' before! What an exciting thing! Now to help up-date her Mp3 player and get to sleep at a decent hour.

Tomorrow I'll hit the road home, stopping along the way to visit my Ulmer family in Mena, AR.
It is the whirl-wind tour and I'm so glad to be on it!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On The Road Again

I drove through rain and sun, through prairie and forest; a beautiful drive and I have arrived!