Saturday, June 11, 2011

June bugs at bay

The sun shines brightly on my little corner of the world today.
I am compelled to share pictures of my garden, or the closest approximation for which I am settling this year. Two roma tomato plants flank a heritage pepper plant.

I have read that the tomatoes I have growing make superior tomato sauce and that they also tend to ripen all at once! A visit to my local farmer's market and an upcoming canning party hosted by a friend have inspired me to investigate tomato sauce recipes as well as other options for preserving an abundance of fresh, summer tomato goodness!

At the start of the season I also invested in two varieties of basil which I hope to employ in conjunction with my culinary endeavors as tomatoes ripen. For now, I am basking in all the green and soaking up knowledge of how best to prepare for when the time is ripe!

Helpful Resources:

The folks from Ball were doing a demo at this morning's Farmer's Market in Overland Park on canning basics and handing out coupons for canning supplies!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


No, I haven't left the country again...yet. I am compelled to research and reminisce due to a presentation due in my Spanish class.

I am finding so many fun things that I decided to collect them here in the interest of having them handy if'n I ever get myself over to that fine, sunny place again and also, for you to enjoy. Keep the dream alive!

Crazy Spain Festivals, a blog with colorful photos has festivals arranged in a variety of ways to help you find one any time of year in any region, for any reason!

We actually held our own 'Burial of the Sardine' this year on Ash Wednesday with other students from Spanish classes on campus. Perhaps I shall follow up with pictures/ video from that event.

Tons of interesting information, condensed for easy digestion

As if I needed another reason to want to go to Sevilla!

My planning for the project is complete, my next trip to Spain halfway planned-out, now all I have to do is translate my presentation into Spanish and compile all the information into a Power Point for class tomorrow! Wish me 'Buena Suerte!'

Friday, April 8, 2011

In between naps

Home sick today. Missing my friends.

Looking forward to having a cell phone again. Saturday morning I'm set to pick one up from a friend out in Brookside. Then an action packed weekend!

Must...regain...strength! Zzz...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Half Birthday to me!

Warm and wonderful was the water in Cancun this past weekend. My dear friend Jessica and I set off on a much-needed 'girl's weekend'. It was the first time to Mexico for both of us and though we were there only an over-night, we made the most of every minute!

Upon arriving, we changed out of our travel clothes and rushed right out into the sea. We reveled in the warmth and clarity of the water, how crystal blue it was and how soft and clean the sand was as we walked on and off the beach.
We then made appointments for spa services; a pool-side massage for me, hair braiding for Jessica.! We had time for a quick lunch and took our things up to our room- which had been upgraded, before heading down to be pampered. Ah relaxing!
We were finished around siesta time when everything closes down, so we headed back to our room and made plans to go outside the hotel for dinner and do a bit of exploring. The concierge was wonderful and suggested a place where the 'locals' eat after I suggested the prices at some of the other places were too high. We took the bus down the main road and got off a little further down from the restaurant and walked back through the shopping district. (Ok, so pretty much everything that wasn't a hotel was a shopping district.) In fact, the entire strip of land known as the 'Hotel Zone' was VERY Americanized. We felt at ease, with plenty of police presence, but we still kept our wits about us as it was night time.

We found a few souvenirs and also an import shop where they made DELICIOUS smelling sandwiches. We decided to order some to take back to our room to have either later that night or for a snack tomorrow and a small bottle of wine to go with it. Following the directions given to us, we then made our way (through an alley) passing the walk-up stand with the name of the restaurant we were given, went behind it and down a set of stairs into an area on the edge of the lagoon with lights strung through the trees, dotted with tables, and an open-air bar. It was such a fantastic setting and we enjoyed our meal there and the...uh...enthusiastic service!

We made our way back to the hotel after our meal, successfully avoiding the stinky street water, and turned in for the night.

Sunday dawned hazy but bright and I went out for a morning stroll with my camera. I found no less than 8 sea beans along the way, a coconut kept company by many tiny, clinging shellfish, and delighted in watching the seagulls catching breakfast and riding the waves.

I joined Jessica back at the room and we had a 'speedy' breakfast at the hotel's restaurant out on the patio. We were served an enormous plate of fruit and we each ordered a yogurt as well; it was the perfect start to our day. We had both decided that we wanted to spend a good chunk of time on the beach and did just that. We even ventured into the water and had fun fighting the waves. We'd brought an underwater camera with us and made attempts to capture photos, though I fear there may have been too much sand in the water. Standing a little ways out we could see schools of tiny fish and the next time you see either of us in person, be sure to ask our 'fish story' because we got a good one that will make me smile whenever I recall it!
Did you know that Cancun observes daylight saving time? We discovered it as our trip just happened to coincide with this event. We really did pack as much in as we could and made the executive decision that we would have to save a visit to the ruins for next time and instead went to the pool to try to get some clearer underwater shots to finish off the roll on our camera.

It was sad to leave such a beautiful place, but we were happy for the experience and both talked about hoping to travel there again, this time with more family and friends in-tow. I am still being fed by the tranquil feeling of being in that Caribbean setting and am so thankful for my good friend Jessica who helped facilitate this wonderful experience!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Onening Night!

My public Directorial debut was this evening with the student showcase.

Chad was there with flowers for me and my actress friend Jessica. It was wonderfully sweet. He also brought be a 5 Guys burger because he is fabulous and helping me attend to my nutritional needs, which, among others have been difficult to properly attend to throughout this process. Looking forward to being less-busy, yet oh-so glad for the experience. I really learned a lot and I hope to put my knowledge to use in another such venture in the future!