We managed to fit in a traditional Bavarian breakfast today, complete with oompah band and stammgaeste, which are the regulars, often in traditional dress, at a table reserved just for them!
In the traditional beer hall fashion, we joined a table with other patrons. The other people at our table were a retired couple traveling Europe. They had some fascinating stories, and opinions on life that I increasingly associate with people who travel. I think again of how the threads that are the stories of people's lives intertwine. I feel so blessed.
After a little while to collect myself at Carl's place, (not to be confused with one of the two Karlsplatz' I have encountered in my journey), it was time to meet up with my friend Lukas for the journey to Austria.
He was returning from his brother's wedding along with Daniel and Lukas who are cousins and friends of Lukas' brother.
The five of us met up at a cafe near Carl's house and experienced service that I understand to be traditional for this area. (It was told to me rather tongue-in-cheek that customers are considered a burden to businesses.) The food was good, once it came, and not too expensive, once I chased down the waiter and he brought the bill. I bid Carl a fond farewell and we were on our way.
It was my first experience driving in a car on this trip and the scenery was lovely! Early on in the drive I was reminded of the 'bahn' as a car raced by us at incredible speed. Lukas drove and was gracious to stop so that I could take a few photos. 'The other Lukas' brought out his camera as well and it was nice to be in the company of another photo enthusiast. In the car, they showed me some of the pictures from the wedding. There were a great many people there and it appeared to have been a very stylish event. Once after we'd stopped for fuel, Daniel shared some of the food with me that they had brought from the wedding. His mother had been the chief for the wedding and I feel fortunate to have tasted a sample of her work! Since he and I shared the back seat we had more of an opportunity to talk. We spoke mainly in English, I had him write out a few German phrases with me that I had picked up, and we discovered that we both spoke some Spanish so we added that to the mix as well. Along the way we also made a stop in Salzburg and had a lovely hike along the mountain overlooking Altstadt, the old city. It was all I could do not to burst into singing about how 'the hills are alive'...I'm sure to the appreciation of all within earshot.
Continuing on it became dark and then began to rain. I drifted in and out as Lukas navigated us safely to our respective destinations. I got the quick tour of Lukas' flat and met his roommate Jonathan then fell soundly asleep. In my dreams everyone spoke with a German accent! Perhaps this is a positive sign that I will pick up some of the language while I am here.