Not that you wouldn't have known it, but more to remind myself that this all took place in one day.
I arrived to class a bit late eek!, but still think I managed an 'A' on my Spanish test.
Had a wonderful Quality-Time brunch break between classes with my beloved. Cinnamon rolls, coffee, + conversation = perfectly contented morning Austin.
Intro to Theatre was joyful as we continued to study the Greek origins of the Art and most of my buddies were in class and on-form. I even got to introduce Nate to Chad who met with me to check out a piece of art I really like on campus. I had a hot tip on some free dessert, so Chad and I shared a dish of ice cream and then met up with Jordan who is in town.
This was a day of running into people, and in a good way. We stopped and chatted awhile with my Spanish teacher from Span. I from whom I would like to get a letter of recommendation for a trip to Argentina this Winter. (Yes, I am already planning my next excursion abroad.) We walked through what is quickly becoming my favorite part of campus, checked out some art, encountered a few more people we knew, and Chad & I were able to give tours of the places we will most likely be haunting on campus this Fall. We said good-bye to Jordan then made our way to Oklahoma Joe's to meet up with Jessica and her fun-derful family!
Chad and I split a chicken & ribs plate with justifiably the best fries in KC. We got beans, which I wasn't actually too keen on, and also coleslaw which I enjoyed immensely! The only other thing I could have wanted was another wet-wipe to clear away all the sauce I accumulated in the meals' consumption. Ok, and maybe a pickle!
With our bellies full of BBQ wonderfulness we headed over to the Plaza to walk around a bit, sight-see and help our digestion along. Chad and I found a way from where we were that helped me to better connect my mental maps which is always exciting. We reunited with Jessica's family for some fun moments browsing through air conditioned shops and taking a stroll along the river walk. At that point we bid them a fond farewell and parted ways. Shortly there-after we discovered a toy shop on the way to geltao, which is as awesome as it sounds.
I got a call from work which cut our leisure short, but Chad was a champ and went along with me, met my amazing Assistant Supervisor Sadi, and even brought me a beverage. What a sweetie! We had intentions for other social outings in the evening, which were thwarted by our best efforts, so contended ourselves with sharing a book and reveling in memories of the day.