I am finding so many fun things that I decided to collect them here in the interest of having them handy if'n I ever get myself over to that fine, sunny place again and also, for you to enjoy. Keep the dream alive!
Crazy Spain Festivals, a blog with colorful photos
About.com has festivals arranged in a variety of ways to help you find one any time of year in any region, for any reason!
We actually held our own 'Burial of the Sardine' this year on Ash Wednesday with other students from Spanish classes on campus. Perhaps I shall follow up with pictures/ video from that event.
Tons of interesting information, condensed for easy digestion
As if I needed another reason to want to go to Sevilla!
My planning for the project is complete, my next trip to Spain halfway planned-out, now all I have to do is translate my presentation into Spanish and compile all the information into a Power Point for class tomorrow! Wish me 'Buena Suerte!'