Early in the 4th week, I endeavored to perfect my crepe making skills and to provide an opportunity to study for TEFL exams. I was very happy with the results and I think my roommates were also pleased at this improvement in my cooking skills! Oh, and my phonetics got a wo
I designed my last class around the topic of Slow Food. At the end of class, students got a chance to really put their skills into practice as I supplied some context in the form of bread, cheese, basil, tomato, and fresh juice. We toasted our accomplishments and the idea of taking time to enjoy food and the good company of friends.
The directors walked in toward the end of the lesson. I think they approved, but the camera tells it better than I could!

I had a portfolio to turn in and a Materials Assignment to present to an independent moderator for the program, but my head was spinning with what to do with the free time I suddenly found myself with!
I celebrated on Thursday by going for chocolate y churros with a friend and playing tourist for awhile.
It was a really nice change of pace and when I came home my roommates were in a goofy mood which added to my lifted spirits. I'm going to miss my Madrid family!
Mmmm! I may have to make you cook for me when we meet up again. Crepes are heavenly. Carol Bradburn used to make them for us for breakfast all the time. :)