Another amazing day all-in-all. I am so pleased to be a student. Doing my student thing and enjoying my 'process', etc. It is a little known fact that I was born on 'The Day of The Good Life', and days like this affirm that fact!
My good pal Jessica surprised us with fresh cream puffs from the culinary dept. here on campus! They were delish and we reveled in her generosity. I managed to make a fine mess with mine, a testament to how much I enjoyed it!
After a quick rehearsal for her Honors piece I went to Chipotle with Jess for lunch, then followed it up with a bit of shopping. Shopping is one of those 'girl things' that I do not actually enjoy, so having a friend along really helps. Back at school we had fun performing our scene, with a pause to run in the rain.
This amazing Kansas storm accompanied me home and it looks like a stormy night is ahead for me to enjoy!
This was a wonderful day in my life as well. So glad we have two points of documentation on it, though yours is much more thorough than mine. :-)