Charming, mystical, musical, down-to-earth, green, windy, chilly, and in the particular bit that I visited, ready for a cup of tea!

We took the scenic view from Dublin to Galway, stopping over in Kilkenny to picnic on the lawn of the castle before going inside to watch a puppet show put on by a story-teller friend of her sisters.
and there was MORE!
The Cliffs of Moher to be specific. (Ok, bad pun, I know. The bad pun police already have my on their top ten list, but there's no stopping me!) We took in spectacular natural views all throughout the trip, but the cliffs were a particular attraction.
Kate and I determined that there was a five second limit to how long you could be out-of-doors and still have your hair left in-tact by the wind on the day that we visited. We both managed to stand planted firmly enough to maintain our view from the top which I have sampled for you below.
There were also Extremely Dangerous cows there, per this sign, but that did not keep me from venturing closer for a view of the cliffs from the other side.
Besides, Kate tells me that the most dangerous creatures on the Island are bees, so I wasn't overly concerned.
We made the return trip from Galway to Dublin in just around 4 hours.
4 hours. Cross-country.
We may have consumed more tea on the trip than the car consumed fuel on the journey.
I'll have to check with Kate on that one. I don't quite have my conversions down yet! ;)
All-in-all it was a very satisfying addition to my European excursions.
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