I've been prompted to up-date, so here you have it.
After my return from Europe and touring domestically through the holidays, I decided it was time for a bit more structure and enrolled in several classes at JCCC.
I am enjoying my two acting classes and the way my Lifetime Fitness class is helping me to combat the effects of delicious French cheeses; assisting me to fit into my own clothes again!
I had been without work since I left the Fire Department in May, content to tighten my belt while searching through jobs, working on my genealogy project, and floating by on my savings.
I knew this was a limited option and was hoping that one of my applications would soon pay off.
Happily that is just what happened and I got the call to come in for a day of training in the middle of Spring Break. While this put a damper on travel plans I was considering, it was the better option financially. Since I'd given in to travel fairly consistently for the past six months, it was time to bring balance to the force and make the wise move monetarily.
Twelve hours of training and one St. Pat's Day sadly under celebrated, I am now an employee of the Federal Government! I worked my first full-day as a U.S. Census Bureau Representative on Friday, March 19th. It is a temporary position, only lasting a month. I have confidence however that other opportunities will open up after this one. A friend of mine, upon hearing the news laughed at the fact that I am again in a position to badger him about something.
It's my JOB people! Yeah, I get a kick out of it. Have YOU filled out your Census form yet???
All-in-all things are going well. I have work I feel good about doing and am getting paid for...though come to think of it, I never did confirm what I would be getting paid! I suppose this is another element of 'trust' in my gypsy lifestyle, that if I continue to apply myself , things will manifest in such a way that my needs are met.
I love that my Theatre classes give me an excuse to go see more live theatre, though I'd forgotten how much I tend to freely spend on 'the arts'. I will do my best to wait on that first paycheck...but I must admit to feeling that it is time to work my way back into the dance scene!
I have a couple friends who I'm eager to take on as dance partners, having married off my last one in February. Congrats Carl and Rachel!
Friday of next week I will be among students presenting English translations of the work of visiting Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. It will be in one of JCCC's theaters and I believe tickets are free, but you'd need to contact the box office in advance. This is a very exciting opportunity and I hope those of you who are in the area will attend!
Thank you kindly, my dear! We are moving to Shawnee so it will be easier to see you.
ReplyDeletecongrats on the new job!